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Nine Inch Nails - Things Falling Apart (2000) - metal

Nine Inch Nails
Things Falling Apart (2000)

we're in the building where they make us grow
and i'm frightened by the liquid engineers
like you

my mallory heart is sure to fail
i could crawl around the floor just like i'm real
like you

the sound of metal i want to be you
i should learn to be a man
like you

plug me in and turn me on
oh everything is moving

i need my treatment it's tomorrow they send me
singing "i am an american"
do you?

picture this if I should make the change
i'd love to pull the wires from the wall
did you?

and who are you and how can i try
her inside i like the metal
don't you

all i know is no one dies
i'm still confusing love with need



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