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Skinny Puppy - Back And Forth series 2 (1992) - Dead of Winter

Dead of Winter
Skinny Puppy
Back And Forth series 2 (1992)

"watch closely"

"closer, closer, closer..."

its christ its christmas eve
october bleak [contestal?/contest all?] [herds?/nerds?]
theres frost murder in myroom
and still the pennies earned
the blood stained windows of night
its always [the same year?/christmas here?] for my dead of winter
i gaze into the [nursery?/rosary?]
i seek where is the vision
[decost?] and pray to priests in the dead of winter...winter...winter...
the heart is [felt a?/smelt a?/smells of?] [birds out of place?/burnt out of pace?]
[a paradigm?/prepare a dust?/pair of dice?] to call perfection
theatre, intrigue all fair in the dead of winter
a place to hold you in disguised to live a shack
a memory thats what comedians are for reflection, reflection in my heart
the river ofswallow them? to melt them down? melting melting enters love dead head dont worry become submerged repression [surge?/serve?]the church? dead of... winter, winter ...cold here sauce is cold, cold again again again... ...i... ...

they think the hot spot [?sent here and then?] they dont know what its like to live fuck
I'm not against... ...priest... ...hollow... dead...dead...dead... of...of...of...of... ...



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