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Project Pitchfork - Dream, Tiresias! (2009) - Darkness (Ninth Dream)

Darkness (Ninth Dream)
Project Pitchfork
Dream, Tiresias! (2009)

In total - in total -
Absense - absense -
Of light - of light -
We're fighting - we fight
We die - for a lie

Our leader - the leader -
Want something they got - they got
He gets rich - and richer
We rot! (We rot!) We rot!

We kill for college
We kill for treats
We kill for a collusion
Trick war, trick war
The army of victims in disillusion

In total - in total -
Absense - absense -
Of light - of light -
We're fighting - we fight
We die - for a lie

Our leader - the leader -
Want something they got - they got
He gets rich - and richer
We rot! (We rot!) We rot!

We kill for college
We kill for treats
We kill for a collusion
Trick war, trick war
The army of victims in disillusion

We kill for college
We kill for treats
We kill for a collusion
Trick war, trick war

We die - for a lie
We die - for a lie

We die - for a lie
We die - for a lie

We kill for college
We kill for treats
We kill for a collusion
Trick war, trick war
The army of victims in disillusion

We kill for college
We kill for treats
We kill for a collusion
Trick war, trick war
The army of victims in disillusion

In total - in total -
Absense - absense -
Of light - of light -
We're fighting - we fight
We die - for a lie

Our leader - the leader -
Want something they got - they got
He gets rich - and richer
We rot! (We rot!) We rot!

We die - for a lie
We die - for a lie
We die - for a lie
We die - for a lie



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Koncert Absurd Minds & Immunology (17.04.2003)novinka

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