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Front 242 - 05:22:09:12 OFF (1993) - Modern Angel

Modern Angel
Front 242
05:22:09:12 OFF (1993)

I never said those things you buried
Of all the liars you'll be so cynical
The modern angel's so hard to come by
I hate to touch your sticky come

There are things that one should never see

I don't know what you've started saying no
Criminal conscience can't listen
to bodies
Stay low, lock the door
I know there's more than just aching in store I want a gun that's sexual
You wanted size?
I'll give you a big tour
Big crane garaged your brain
Aim is a gas & gauge is your force

There are things that one should never see

Your modern angels gone to ruin
Ignorance stick-in-buts still lead the world
As the century fades from view
She'll give a fuck if you reach twenty-two.



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